miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014


 Hometown Glory

 A magic square.
 The theater.

Hello guys, a few moments ago i was checking some pictures and i found two from my beautiful hometown, where i lived eight years before i move to Mexico City. I share with you this images from my gorgeous little town. Its been two years since i moved from my hometown to the big Mexican metropolis. 

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Entrevista a la actriz Diana Renée

         ¿Cómo están amigos? les dejo la entrevista de la actriz Diana Renée Gerardo, quien nos cuenta algunas cosas sobre el cortometraje "Nocturno" escrito y dirigido por Cecilia De León.

Esperen, en este blog, más noticias y más videos sobre este cortometraje.


         How are you friends? I leave the interview of actress Diana Renee Gerardo, who tells us some things about the film "Night" written and directed by Cecilia De Leon.

Wait, in this blog, news and videos about this film.

See also the behind the scenes
Click here!!

martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Cortometraje "Nocturno" detrás de cámaras

"Nocturno" detrás de cámarasPara que se diviertan un poco y vean lo que sucedió en el rodaje del cortometraje "Nocturno"
Les dejo el link del detrás de cámara.
A la izquierda la camarógrafa Alejandra Chavez-Nava, Rodolfo Rodriguez, asistente de dirección.
Arriba: Diego Narvaez actor principal del cortometraje. Él es Nocturno.
A la derecha la productora Valeria Orozco y al lado la actriz Diana Renée
Diego Narvaez, listo para la primera toma.
Ese día hacía mucho frío. El paisaje era hermoso y las tomas salieron maravillosamente.
A la izquierda Diego Narvaez, Diana Renée y la directora del cortometraje Cecilia De León.
Buscando la toma perfecta.
La hermosa actriz Diana Renée lista frente a la cámara.

Diego Narvaez en "Nocturno"
La talentosa camarógrafa Alejandra Chavez.

A la izquierda Diana Renée Gerardo y Rodolfo Rodriguez, actor y asistente de dirección.
Maquillaje, luces, cámara acción!
Frente a la cámara, todo listo!
Alejandra Chavez, camarógrafa y la directora Cecilia De León.
Xiadani Curiel, actriz.
Preparando la última toma del cortometraje!
Xiadani Curiel y Diego Narvaez, listos para escapar juntos del pueblo.
El lago donde se reunen todos los buenos pensamientos.

Don Arado y su familia, listos para el retrato anual.
Xiadani Curiel, hermosa actriz.
La talentosa actriz Xiadani Curiel.
Su nombre significa: Flor que llegó, en nahuatl.

Pablo Cuen, actor y guionista del cortometraje "Nocturno"


martes, 14 de enero de 2014


Last weekend, I went to a little town near Mexico City, called Pilcaya, in the state of Guerrero. it's only three or two and a half hours far from my gougers Mexico City.
I went there with eight of my colleagues to make a shot film for our movie class. It was a very beautiful experience.
I'll post here some pictures from that place.
Thanks for reading!
Pablo Cuen 

 Day light and step hills.
We work from 4:30am to 9:00pm in this beautiful place. In the morning we were freezing  and in the afternoon we couldn't  stand the heat.
 Big mountain.
 This lake was my favorite place in this small town.
 Morning sun.
 Morning light and threes.
 It was very easy to feel in a movie. The wind was clean and the nature was all around.
 I discover than my camera has a great zoom.
 In the afternoon this place get more and more beautiful.
 Open grass and hills.
 I was hoping not to get bitten by a snake!
 High lands. I wanted to run like a kid. In that we hardly see a car or city cables.
 The moon in the afternoon.
 Last day pictures, i didn't want to get back to Mexico City.
 This was our home for 3 days.We had a lot of fun making our short film.
  Here i was just playing with my macro lens.
Thanks for reading people, wait for more pics and news of our short film "Nocturno"

Pablo Cuen